The Right Honorable Lord David Blunkett visits David Nieper Academy

The Right Honorable Lord David Blunkett visits David Nieper Academy

The Academy was delighted to receive a visit from The Right Honorable Lord David Blunkett on 24th June, who took part in a wide range of sensory activities with David Nieper Academy pupils and a group of younger children from Stonebroom, our Trust’s primary school.

Lord Blunkett’s visit tied in with the Academy’s own programme around employability, and our school leaders championing work-related learning and creative subjects, along with encouraging participation in extra-curricular opportunities across all of our year groups.

Lord Blunkett delivered a very inspiring assembly to our students about his early life, education and his impressive career in many senior cabinet posts, and his current role in the House of Lords. He also met with a panel of students to discuss the wide range of lunchtime and after school clubs they currently participate in, along with the successes of Enterprise Week.

You can read more about Lord Blunkett's visit by visiting the Derbyshire Times and The Spirit of Alfreton.