Anne Clayton

T anneClaytonAnne qualified as a teacher in 1975 and since then has worked in the maintained and independent sectors throughout the 4 to 18-age range.

She has extensive experience with special needs and worked for a time in that capacity as a School Improvement Partner in Derby City.

Anne was appointed to her first headship in 2004 and quickly moved a struggling primary school into the OFSTED ‘good’ category. Following this, she was employed by Derbyshire Education Authority to take on short-term headships and in each case made significant improvements for the wellbeing of staff and pupils and standards of attainment, as acknowledged by both OFSTED and the Local Authority. Her enthusiasm for raising standards in teaching and learning is infectious and Anne is always willing to support and challenge headteachers and staff to improve their practice.

In addition to her work with The David Nieper Academy, Anne is currently a Governor at a small village primary school and a Consultant working for the Derbyshire Elective Home Education Team. Anne has been trained and worked as a Governor Support Advisor.

Anne continues to be involved with Belper Hockey Club following many years as a player and coach. She enjoys long distance walks, gardening, badminton, singing and learning Spanish.